Your Health in Your Own Hands.

Karla Riddell
8 min readAug 12, 2020

It appears that whilst COVID times are for most, dark times, I can see just how illuminating it is.

Whatever people had going on internally whether physical or emotional… it is brimming to the surface in a big way.

No doubt, suffering is at an all time high, even the privileged are suffering now.

There is a big evolution happening within those who are diving deep with it and working through their emotional wounds. Some are flourishing with a whole new world of more family time… but that is not what I will be writing about… I want to take a deep dive into the collective sickness. In this article I won’t be blaming COVID, I will try not to blame the system of control either… let’s see how we go.

My whole life I have been on both the health journey and the spiritual journey… but I never really looked at it that way, because it felt like that was a normal part of being human. Knowing how to work with plants, knowing how to nourish my body and keep the sickness away. Knowing how to keep a good spirit, to keep aligned with my soul journey with instinct and intuition to lead the way. I got to know the medical system and learn about the human body with a Bachelor in Health Science to go on to become an Advanced Care Paramedic for the Queensland ambulance and found myself in remote areas and challenging situations constantly. My body was always pushed in that job… and yet, I always knew what my body needed. No doubt I would get physical pain and headaches, but considering what I was enduring physically and emotionally, it seemed to just come with the job.

Alongside this job, I always had my knowledge of traditional healing and the spiritual side of life — going through courses in Hawaiian healing and philosophy.

When I left that job, I embarked on the Shamanic journey, which took me across the world and eventually landed me back in Australia to listen and learn from Indigenous elders and lore holders. From here I really started to grow my roots down into Earth wisdom.

Now, I share all of this, perhaps to share my “qualifications”, as the ground in which I stand on. So, what do I see as being illuminated in these dark times?

Sickness is being illuminated. In ancient traditions and in Shamanic healing and most healing that is not from “western medicine”, it is well known that sickness in the body has a spiritual origin, or an energetic origin. It is also known that we are intrinsically connected and reliant on the Earth. Indigenous culture will always tell you, what you do to the Earth you do to yourself. Poisoning the Earth and the soil, poisons us… muddying the water and altering the land… it affects us and all the generations to come.

So then, if we are intricately connected we can see… what we do to ourselves, impacts the Earth and more so… our fellow humans. So to me, keeping good health and a good spirit is simply part of being a responsible adult. Now I know generally we don’t like this word responsible… so I will say instead… to keep a good spirit and good health is part of being an adult.

Emotional maturity is also part of being adult, these days this takes a huge amount of internal work and personal development. We can be really good at hiding feelings and pretending they are not there, burying them deep inside until our partner (or family member) accidentally touches on one of them and then we explode… I say that quite straight, because even after a decade of intense personal development… I was still experiencing this in my relationship, both ways. That was suffering at an all time high.

So the world is put into lockdown, all of a sudden those who had toxic relationships are even more deep in it. Those who didn’t want to see the toxicity now cannot escape it. That goes for relationships with the self too. I didn’t expect to go into the psychology… but don’t worry, I have a degree for that too.

Now I get to this point, and I realise… this wasn’t the article I went out to write. This is…

Human health… let’s put this at the centre of these times. We can blame the virus for our sickness… but really it is just illuminating the sickness that already exists. We should be focused on health and healing… not on fighting a virus. We have a choice in this… do we give our body away to medicine in the hands of a man-made vaccine and government control and mass media manipulation… or do we become adult and take our own health into our own hands. Health is a lot more than taking vitamin C and getting some exercise.

Health is human connection… having community and good friends.

Health is connecting to Earth, to nature, to life itself.

Health is what you put in your body.

Health is what we feed our mind.

Health is our own meditation to ease the burden (and sickness) on our mind.

Health is good (adult) relationships

Health is hope.

But the most important one, that in our western world we put at the bottom of the list… or even in a far off galaxy…


It may be abstract for most, but in life everyone has been touched by spirit — had a spiritual experience.

This is how I keep a good spirit…

First is awareness of body… spirit speaks through the body. If your body is not well, your spirit is not well.

So when I feel sickness in my body I go into this place with my mental focus. I feel it, and in that feeling I become aware of more information that leads me into the deeper root of it.

In this root there will often be behaviours and a realisation of triggers. These triggers have appeared to be the inflictions of another… but if I go deep enough, I realise there is a karmic pattern at play that may have been recurring for lifetimes or from childhood.

Now once you get to this place of spanning across time, you enter into the liminal, your mind opens to new possibilities and new experiences and you become receptive to spirit.

In this space you may become aware of your soul sense and of other spirits. You may feel like there is something in your space, your energetic field that has come from outside of yourself… now you have the power to clear this. Play with it, find your own way to clear other energies. There is plenty of information about this, it is not my intention to go into this, otherwise this would become a book.

Once you can feel what is your energy and what is not, you my friend have accessed your energetic field and you can now be aware of it and also keep it a little clearer, just like cleaning your house really.

Now the other part of keeping a good spirit, is to be strong in your spirit. This is mostly centred around really embodying your spirit, so that you are acting from a place of soul rather than a place of reactivity, fear or ego… but they are also indicators of where your soul is at anyway.

The more you connect with your soul, the stronger you will become spiritually and mentally.

Whilst this whole article has been channeled… it is also based on my lived experience.

Through this time I have been more aware of all of the things I have shared… yes, illuminating times indeed.

I discovered that I could feel when sickness (in common terms a cold of flue) would enter my energetic body. This would often be at a time when I was getting too much screen time and not enough nature time… basically, way too much electromagnetic energy. This is important to be aware of actually, as it really weakens your immense system… so does stress and anxiety. The way I would become aware of sickness in my energetic body would be noticing a change in mood, behaviour or thought. Seen as though our minds are strongly connected to the element of air, they are often the first to pick up on something in our energy body. At this point I would spend deep time in nature (yes, even a park can work). The sunshine or fire is particularly good too.

Then, sometimes I would notice that sickness enters my physical body… not yet my immune system, no swollen glands… but all those pre sickness signs of tingles in the throat, or decreased energy (this can also happen when sickness enters your energetic body)… also weak points in your body might start to flare up, like for me my lumber, foggy head and irritability (another sign that an outside energy is with you). At this point I would go to physical immune boosters. Bring on the vitamin C, rest well, but more importantly exercise well. I have made olive leaf tea out of dried olive leaves (highly medicinal), more fresh fruit and veg… ramp up the leafy greens… all those things that your body says yes to! It’s also important at this stage to completely cut out alcohol and if possible coffee. Also, don’t run from the sickness or from what is coming up mentally or emotionally… right now you need to be really present to what is happening in your body.

Now if this sickness begins to take over your body and you get the sore throat, the congested nose and lungs, you really need to amp up the immune boosters and at this point I highly recommend diving deep spiritually. I would do my own ceremony, connect with my ancestors. These days I don’t “ask for help from guides”, I am practicing strengthening my own spiritual power… but these are all options to play with. Oh… also at any stage of this, laughter really is the best medicine! So is deep breathing. The more you practice this the deeper you can breathe — the deeper you can breathe the more you can both exhale toxins (sickness) and inhale oxygen (life force)! Breath is directly related to life force, and it is always my number one go to. I cannot believe after just four years of this practice, I can breathe so deeply that I literally feel like I can breathe to the depths of my soul, and it feels empowering and cleansing.

Well that is the best place to end this, the breath of life, the human body. Your health is now in your own hands. I wish you well fellow humans.

*I have started giving my time to supporting peoples physical and spiritual health. So if this resonates for you jump onto my Sacred Huna Healing facebook page and I will share everything I’ve got! Including online ceremonies which is now my priority… at this point it is all free of charge.

**Everything in this article is with the intention to support you physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. To put your health in your hands. Please seek out a friend or any external support within your reach if you are going through crisis. I acknowledge that when crisis hits us hard we do need external support — in crisis basic human needs come first! Spiritual needs second.



Karla Riddell

Karla is the founder and facilitator of the Young Shaman Foundation. She is dedicated to creating rites of passage to connect people to self, nature and tribe.