Natural lore

Karla Riddell
3 min readNov 24, 2019


As the strong hot winds blow, I sink into my skin. Senses heightened, l listen in…

I used to believe in manifesting my reality, it gave me great self-determination and connected me to my creativity. But when I sat in my first women’s lore camp near Uluru in 2016, I seemed to commit myself to something that was beyond me, to something that involved the whole ecosystem.

Whilst I quietly rebel against many modern frameworks and modes of thinking, I ultimately still have my own mentality pointing in the same direction as everyone else around me. This, I am slowly unfurling myself from… some might call it decolinisation. The more I do this, the more I realise… I am most definitely not the decider or creator of my own destiny.

When I got back from the desert, I was so full of lifeforce, I just wanted to get straight to it. I could feel in me, the criticality of the need for humanity to mature, to return back to the lores of nature, to become care takers and spirit guided beings again. I dedicated to creating rites of passage for teenagers and adults, and I did A LOT of manifesting!

Almost everything I attempted to get started after that lore camp failed, I got some hard knocks and ultimately I was still the teenager yearning to be initiated to stand strongly in my power to serve my people. This went on for a few years, it was the most humbling two years of my life! I got bare and down to Earth, and I stopped manifesting and started listening more deeply.

Listening became the key, listening without thought. I stopped catching thoughts and running with them to make them into something. I was finding that the more I engaged with Indigenous culture and the wise ones, the more I was growing into myself. Nature was also a key element, spending my days in solitude, slowing down until I ran at natures speed.

Where this all has led me, from my first culture camp, almost 4 years ago, is to an understanding of natural lore. It seems that I have committed myself to serving nature, accepting consequence… see even as I write that word, “consequence”, the wind howled so fiercely.

It is time for us collectively to listen to the winds, to the elders, to the land. To let go of our strong hold on manifesting a successful, happy life. What we are seeing today is so much more than climate change, it is our consequence and too the consequence of those who have gone before us to pioneer through exploiting Earths precious resources, our Earth body and too, our human body.

We can never defy natural lore… the more we try, the more we harm ourselves and our future generations (which are also a part of us). There are many uncomfortable truths to feel and face about where we stand right now. The beauty is, in our humanity, in our human nature and instinct. This instinct moves us to reharmonise, to come back to natural lore. The more we do, the healthier we become, as an individual and as a whole humanity. I now know, that nature moves through me, and slowly I am becoming aware of the lore of the land. When I speak or act out of line… out of lore, I sure know about it.

I am a big believer in “leave nobody out”. We are one big organism… so may we unite. May we take those bold and courageous steps, and too, may we take them together.

As the strong hot winds blow, I sink into my skin. Senses heightened, I listen in…

As I write this part, the wind gushes fiercely again and the rain begins to fall.

What I hear is cleanse, release that strong hold and come back home.

Sitting in the desert, I hear more, feel more, see more…



Karla Riddell
Karla Riddell

Written by Karla Riddell

Karla is the founder and facilitator of the Young Shaman Foundation. She is dedicated to creating rites of passage to connect people to self, nature and tribe.

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