How do we face the current political climate
This title is quite literally a question that I am asking, because frankly, I don’t have the answers.
As the fate of Australia lies in the hands of the government to be, many of us are watching on in despair wondering how did we ever get to this. I seem to be asking a slightly different question that perhaps takes us right back to the days of colonisation where this artificial governance began on these lands. My question is how could one government system run an entire country, when so many people feel unrepresented by the parties that exist, let alone by the prime minister. How could there be one law, and how can we continue to rule over the indigenous people of this country, as if they were never here?
I truly believe that the solution is not in the hands of the white man, it is in fact in the hands of the indigenous elders who carry the songlines, lore and important wisdom of how to take care of the land to ensure the continuation of our species… yes, we are just another species of many thousands that inhabit this land, I don’t see the kangaroos getting a say in who our prime minister is though??
So I guess I get to the end of this and realise the question is not “how do we face the political climate”, it is actually much deeper than this. The question is, how do we give back the governance of this country to the people who have managed to live on these lands in harmony for more than 100,000 years?