A New Era is Upon Us

Karla Riddell
4 min readAug 9, 2020

We are being called back into natural lore… back into humble harmony with nature.

Whilst the “hippie era” forged a way for more equality and womens rights and brought back the idea of spirituality (outside of religion)… and the “new age era” brought back a resurgence of recognising our spiritual power and our ability to determine our destiny… we need a new era that is not self-centred. Yes we need to be empowered, but our earth is crying out, native animals are dying out and animal cruelty is considered a way of life for humans… We need an era of protecting the vulnerable and raising children to be people of nature, rather than people of machines and technology. We need an era of humble humans that can give up their ownership mentality and learn to share… we need to bring back living as a village rather than as a single unit or a family unit.

We see injustice every day, things aren’t working and never has that been so clear than in a pandemic when “mass control” is apparently the only way to keep people “safe”… but what ever happened to supporting peoples health… and far out… what ever happened to human liberation. Never have the human species on mass (and with a population that far exceeds the capacity of the natural world)… never have we had such a drastic impact on the planet, on the creatures and the plants… and the soil… all of which our lives depend on!

I am filled with hope, but we do have an immense journey ahead. We are all in this together… the “us” and “them” is a delusion, separation is a delusion, we are all karmically entwined… the actions of another affect us and affect the generations to come… so “us” and “them” will never work, we are bound as one and we are always bound by the lores of nature, even if we pretend it doesn’t exist, pretend there aren’t consequences to every action… we can’t out run it or out smart it, it is a part of being on Earth and therefore, a part of Earth.

Then that somehow gets me onto gender… and again, there is no “us” and “them”. Same as “Indigenous” and “invaders”… there isn’t “us” and “them”… we are interwoven, our destinies are entwined. The only way is together.

So that is the new era, it is a coming full circle… back to ancient lore, but in a modern world… that has never been done before. We created new “lores” and built on top of sacred lands… so this walking together thing is complex, but not impossible. We all hold wisdom of nature and natural lore, we all have ancestors that lived in ancient times… so this new era is well within our capacity, if we collectively choose.

There is a long road ahead of us, because within our lifetime there has been much suffering inflicted under human hand. You can’t just build over the top of it and pretend it never happened. The reality is that thousands of women have been raped, many children have had atrocities inflected on them. We have been poisoned, our waters have been poisoned, our lands have been poisoned. Indigenous people have been slaughtered and violence has become the norm… and by violence, I don’t just mean domestic violence and terrible inflictions, I mean the violence in our language, the way we speak to others, the way we treat any life form, animal or plant… and yes, our soil is living, full of life… water too is a living body… that is a difficult thing of our time. We have tried to desensitise ourselves to violence, just to survive really.

No more, the less we separate ourselves from others and the suffering of others, the more we can gather together and join forces for a better world. Undo our collective karma, make the soil and the water healthy again, become healthy again.

Natural lore is not abstract, it is living and breathing in all of us. I would say go into nature to learn it… I know most of the world is currently shut out of the wild places, but it is always within us too.

We have much to learn from this pandemic. We can’t return to “normal”… the way we were living never was normal, never was natural… when I say we, I mean as a collective. We are a world of billions of people, it never will work if billions of people are taking more from nature than they give, the Earth cannot sustain us that way. We still have so much to learn about living with the Earth, with community in a sustainable and harmonious way. The blame game will not save us… this is the initiation we have been waiting for. An initiation into responsibility and accountability… and initiation into our human nature, in harmony, bound by natural lore. This is the new era.

I took this photo in the central desert… even out there, one is never alone.



Karla Riddell

Karla is the founder and facilitator of the Young Shaman Foundation. She is dedicated to creating rites of passage to connect people to self, nature and tribe.